2 Minute Drill

Time limit per question: 3 minutes

Be sure to take that to physically look up each answer, even the ones you know or get correct. Looking them up, each and every time builds taht muscle memory and that mental link. 

The purpose of this drill is to improve your skills at finding things in the NEC. During your apprenticeship, you should practice a drill every week, even when you do not have class. Your skills will be sharpened so that you can pass the journeyman test when it's time.

Don't try to catch up later... it will be much harder. 

You will feel comfortable taking the JOURNEYMAN TEST after doing it once every week for four years. If you don't, it won't work.It's as simple as that.

This drill isn't to help you memorize answers. There's no need for electricians to memorize the National Electric Code. We're only supposed to have our code books with us at all times, and to be able to look things up and understand what it says. This drill helps you perfect that skill. 

 I also want to make sure you remember that doing a 2 minute drill once per week is not a suggestion for the apprenticeship program. It is an expectation.