Spanish - Bienvenido a la prueba de gestión de guardias de seguridad para el curso mencionado en el título anterior.
Esta prueba es para determinar su comprensión del video. Por favor, lea cuidadosamente cada pregunta y seleccione lo que sienta que es la respuesta correcta.
Usted necesitará contestar al menos el 80% de las preguntas correctamente para aprobar esta prueba.
English - Welcome to the SGM test for the course mentioned in the title above.
By taking this exam, you hereby certify under penalty of perjury that you have completed watching the entire video, and understand all of its components. If you have questions about any information in the videos please contact your direct supervisor. If you have not completed watching the entire video, you are prohibited from taking this exam.
This test is to determine your comprehension of the video. Please read each question carefully and select what you feel is the correct answer.
You will need to answer at least 80% of the questions correctly to pass this test.