Online Exams with a timer
Exam time limits are a traditional way to assess someone’s level of knowledge and how quickly they can apply it. You can also accomplish this online with our Exam timer. Create an Exam and try it!
What types of timers are available?
The Exam time limit is our most popular option
We have two types of timers:
- Exam time limit. The first Exam timer is our most popular option, which applies a time limit in seconds to the whole Exam. When participants exceed this limit, we end their Exam wherever they are.
- Question time limit. The second is our stricter option, which sets a time limit in seconds per question. If you set this setting to 10 seconds, our tool would automatically kick the participant to the next question after 10 seconds and reset the timer.
For both timers, a time bar will display in the participant interface of your Exam. It will shorten as time progresses, giving participants a quick and visual indication of how much time they have left. If they need more specifics, they can hover over the bar to see the exact time that remains.
How does this work?
Many settings work in combination with Exam timers to control the availability and keep it fair for all participants. For example, limited access with a specified time/date window in your timezone. In our Help Center, we share more information on adding an Exam timer and limiting availability.
The benefits of adding a time limit
Timers are a great way to prevent cheating
Everyone would score 100% for certain subjects if they were given as much time as they needed. However, if you are interested in measuring how quickly and efficiently someone can apply what they have learned, an Exam timer becomes essential.
In addition to adding another level of difficulty to the Exam, timers are a great way to prevent cheating. Online Exams are more prone to cheating than in-person Exams as it is easier to look up answers online. Prepared participants won’t need much time to select the correct answer, whereas looking up answers takes more time.
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