Assessment vs testing: what's the difference?

While ‘assessment’ and ‘test’ are terms often used interchangeably, they have different meanings and purposes. As a training provider or consultancy company, grasping the nuances between these terms will help you give the best instruction possible. Whatever your specific needs, use assessments and tests to prove to your customers their investment was worth the money.

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Table of contents

  1. What is an assessment?
  2. What is a test?
  3. What’s the difference between assessments and tests?
  4. Creating tests and assessments with Easy LMS

What is an assessment?

‘Assessment’ is a broad term that refers to all the different teaching methods trainers might use to evaluate, measure, and document their participants' learning progress or skill acquisition [1].

The goal of an assessment is for the trainer to identify areas for participant improvement to create training material tailored to their needs. Assessments are important for trainers to demonstrate the participants' progress to their customers. Using reports alongside assessments makes showing this so simple!

Assessments are important for trainers to demonstrate the participants' progress to their customers

What is a test?

Tests are just a part of life. They can take many forms, for example, theoretical tests, like those taken at school, or practical ones, such as driving tests. What both forms have in common is that they help e-learning participants measure their knowledge and understanding of a topic [2]. 

Tests are essential to training because they provide trainers with valuable insights into their customers' participants' progress. It’s almost impossible to tweak training to fit a group’s knowledge level without them. Being agile and aware as a trainer is key, so use tests to give you the information you need!

Certificates often follow from tests. Congratulate your participants and reward them for their considerable efforts!

What’s the difference between assessments and tests?

While these terms are sometimes viewed as synonyms, that’s not entirely correct. A test is a “product” that measures a particular behavior or set of objectives. Meanwhile, an assessment is seen as a procedure instead of a product.

Both tests and assessments should be incorporated into the online training you provide your customers with. Perhaps you have a pre-determined set of learning objects that you want to check your participants understand. In that case, opt for a test. Are you curious to know where your participants' knowledge currently stands? Try an assessment!

Creating tests and assessments with Easy LMS

Easy LMS helps you save time because we provide you with all the necessary infrastructure to create assessments from scratch or tailor existing material. Take your training offering to the next level with our seamlessly simple online learning tool!

With the Easy LMS online Exam builder, the options are endless! This is the tool we provide for you to create your assessments. Our Exam builder lets you personalize the question type, randomize questions in the question bank, add multimedia, and even generate certificates.

Our Exam builder lets you personalize the question type, randomize questions in the question bank, add multimedia, and even generate certificates

Plus, you can change the behavioral settings to create a rigorous or informal test or assessment. Or you can prevent participants from skipping questions, limit their attempts, and even control the time they have to answer the questions. As the trainer, it’s all in your hands!

Next, share your test or assessment through the Academy! This powerful add-on gives you the freedom to create groups that align with your customers' unique departments, such as HR, communication, and office management. Store all your training material under one virtual roof while only sharing some assessments with the right people. Do you have multiple customers to assess? Use multiple academies to create a customized online portal for each customer and watch them soar.

Useful resources

  1. The Glossary of Education Reform
  2. smowl tech

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an assessment?
    ‘Assessment’ is a broad term that refers to all the different teaching methods trainers might use to evaluate, measure, and document their participants' learning progress or skill acquisition.
  • What is a test?
    An online test helps e-learning participants measure their knowledge and understanding of a topic. Tests can take many forms, such as theoretical or practical.
  • How can I create a test or assessment in Easy LMS?
    With the Easy LMS online Exam builder, the options are endless! This is the tool we provide for you to create your assessments.

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Different types of assessments

Different types of assessments

Assessment can seem like a big mix of fancy words like diagnostics, formative, summative, and norm-referenced assessments. When you start working as a trainer, this...

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