Test making software for teachers
Are you a teacher who's looking for great online exam software? Stop looking any further. We have the perfect solution for you. A lot of teachers use our online exam builder to create practice tests and exams.
Ease of use
Save yourself a lot of time and create an exam in a few easy steps. We created an easy to use interface so everybody can create an exam, even teachers. You don't need to be a computer genius. And we know, teachers have a lot on their mind and we like you to focus on teaching. Let our system do the heavy lifting.
Lot of question types
We have a lot of questions types for teacher to use in your exam:
- Multiple choice text questions
- Multiple choice image questions
- Free text questions
- Fill in the blank questions
- Video questions
- Audio questions
Automatic grading
Save yourself a lot of time with our exam builder and profit form the automatic grading we offer with the multiple choice questions. You can assign the same points to each question or can vary the points depending on the difficulty-level of the question.
You can even let your students know if they passed or failed directly after they took the exam. Or, you can hide the result and tell them in class.
Practice tests with feedback
You can create practice tests with our gamified quiz solutions or create a practice exam so you your students can practice before taking the real exam.
You can provide feedback about each questions. You can show them if they choose the right answer and give an explanation about each question so they can learn from their mistakes.
Final exam
After your students have practiced and studied your course material you can put them to the test with a real exam. You can set the terms to pass the exam. Read more about the difference between a test and an exam.
Results and stats
You can easily follow the progress in the Results and Stats section of your exam. Their you can find each individual result. See which student got which grade, and see each individual answer.
To see where your class needs some extra lessons you can look at the stats per question to find out which questions was easy and which one was hard for your students. You can use this info to improve your lessons.
Because we love teaching and teachers, we have a special price for teachers.
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